Saturday, April 14, 2007

Numb Head

Sometimes my head goes numb!
sometimes my head goes numb!
For staring too long at the phone
Hoping you would call
Or even still just text
But all I get is silence;
Yes Silence.
sometimes my head goes numb!
when I refresh my inbox a 1000 times
Hoping to find mail from you
But all I get is an empty inbox;
"0 unread mails".
sometimes my head goes numb!
When I pass by your place
hoping to catch a glimpse of you
Hoping you might atleast say something
But all I see are closed curtains;
windows tightly shut.
sometimes my head goes numb!
when instead of listening to you
I stare deep into your dark eyes
Hoping you would see my longing
But all I see is my own reflection;
reflected back.
But the more I try to move on,
the more I try to let go
The more I realize
that my head has grown numb;
Completely numb!
cause am in Love with you!


Princess said... have a way with words!!

Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory